
青岛春明食品集团有限公司成立于2008年8月8日,是集生产、科研、销售、商贸、物流、服务于一体的大型综合性企业集团。春华秋实,明德惟馨!二十年多年来,两代春明人开拓创新、高瞻求实、锐意进取、奋勇拼搏、忠诚奉献、和谐共赢,使春明的事业由最初十余人的调味品手工作坊发展成为现代化的综合型企业集团——春明集团。公司创建二十二年来,秉承“团结、求实、奋进, 拼搏、开拓、创新”的企业精神,现已发展成为八大系列260多个品种调味品的专业厂家。 在此基础上,公司成立了省级企业技术中心,已先后通过了ISO22000:2005/GB /T 22000-2006食品安全管理体系认证、ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证、HACCP食品安全认证和QS生产许可证认证,使企业的技术水平不断提升,确保产品走在市场的前列,技术走在生产的前沿,使企业保持了旺盛的生机和活力。 公司坚持“以质量求生存、以科技求发展、以管理求效益”的经营方针,着眼于市场需求,高瞻远瞩,凭借多年来辛勤耕耘和守信的经营,已在家乐福、沃尔玛等800多家超市销售,在山东省内所有县市以上城市建有销售网点,产品销售到北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京、西安、银川、天津、哈尔滨、乌鲁木齐、长春、沈阳、大连等20多个省市和地区,已建立起庞大的销售网络,使春明牌调味品走进千家万户,成为消费者餐桌上不可缺少的美味佳品。 公司始终本着“以信为本,以质取胜”的宗旨,高度重视品牌建设,春明商标被认定为“山东省著名商标”,春明牌腐乳、小磨香油被评为“山东名牌”。企业先后获得“省级守合同重信用企业”,“山东省食品行业综合实力(食品制造)百强企业”、“省级企业技术中心”,“山东省农业产业化重点龙头企业”,“山东省老字号”,“高新技术企业”、“十二五期间全国民族特需商品定点生产企业”,“市民最受喜爱的岛城农产品”,青岛市集团消费“阳光食品工程”单位等荣誉称号。 公司已获得保鲜蔬菜、花生酱、麻汁酱、酱油等产品的出口食品生产企业备案证明,出口产品主要销往泰国、马来西亚、柬埔寨等东南亚及法国、德国等欧洲国家。 “含弘光大,继往开来”,春明将一如既往的以高度的使命感、责任感为客户和社会提供满意的产品和服务,将企业做大做强,创造新的业绩,展示新的风采,为中国调味品产业发展做出贡献。

Qingdao Chunming Food Group Co., Ltd. was established on August 8th, 2008. It is a large-scale comprehensive enterprise group integrating production, scientific research, sales, commerce, logistics and services. Over the past 20 years, the two generations of Chunming people have been pioneering and innovative, high-practical, realistic, enterprising, hard-working, loyal and dedicated, and harmonious and win-win, making Chunming's career develop from a condiment handicraft workshop of more than ten people into a modern comprehensive type. Enterprise Group-Chunming Group. Twenty-two years after the company was founded, adhering to the enterprise spirit of "unity, truth-seeking, forging ahead, hard work, pioneering and innovation", it has now developed into a professional manufacturer of more than 260 varieties of condiments in eight series. On this basis, the company has established a provincial enterprise technology center, which has passed ISO 22000: 2005/GB/T 22000-2006 food safety management system certification, ISO9001: 2008 quality management system certification, HACCP food safety certification and QS production license Certificates and certifications have continuously improved the technical level of the enterprise, ensured that the products are at the forefront of the market, and the technology is at the forefront of production, so that the enterprise has maintained a strong vitality and vitality. The company adheres to the business policy of "survive by quality, development by technology, and benefit by management". It focuses on market demand and looks ahead. With years of hard work and trustworthy operation, it has sold more than 800 supermarkets such as Carrefour and Wal-Mart. , Has established sales outlets in all cities above the county and city level in Shandong Province, and the products are sold to more than 20 provinces and cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Xi'an, Yinchuan, Tianjin, Harbin, Urumqi, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian, etc. In the region, a huge sales network has been established, and Chunming condiments have entered thousands of households, becoming an indispensable and delicious product on consumers' dining tables. The company has always adhered to the tenet of "credibility-based, quality-based", and attaches great importance to brand building. The Chunming trademark is recognized as "Shandong famous trademark", and the Chunming brand fermented bean curd and small grinding sesame oil are rated as "Shandong famous brand". The enterprise has successively won the "Provincial-level contract-abiding and credit-honoring enterprise", "Shandong Province Food Industry Comprehensive Strength (Food Manufacturing) Top 100 Enterprises", "Provincial Enterprise Technology Center", "Shandong Province Agricultural Industrialization Leading Enterprise", "Shandong "Historical Provincial Title", "High-tech Enterprise", "National Specialized Commodity Production Enterprise for National Special Needs during the 12th Five-Year Plan", "People's Most Favorite Island City Agricultural Products", Qingdao Group Consumer "Sunshine Food Engineering" and other honorary titles. The company has obtained the record certification of export food production enterprises for fresh vegetables, peanut butter, sesame sauce, soy sauce and other products. The exported products are mainly sold to Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and other Southeast Asian countries, as well as France, Germany and other European countries. Chunming will, as always, provide customers and society with satisfactory products and services with a high sense of mission and responsibility, make the company bigger and stronger, create new performance, show new style, and season China. Contribute to the development of the product industry.