
伟龙食品有限公司始建于1993年,前身为国营济宁食品厂。伟龙食品有限公司经过25年的发展,目前已经在山东济宁(南张、嘉祥)、重庆、福建漳州建立了 四个专业的生产基地。伟龙食品,一个专注于休闲零食的高端品牌     伟龙食品,致力于休闲零食类产品的开发、制造、销售伟龙食品,25年匠心打造休闲零食好味道伟龙食品有限公司,前身为国营济宁食品厂,成立于 1993年。从十几个人的公司,到如今1000人的工厂。从1994年伟龙品牌散装饼干进入市场,到1998年伟龙品牌散装饼干进入零售店开始热销。从2006年伟龙重庆工厂投产,再到2008年伟龙品牌散装饼干进入超市并热销。伟龙人用自己的努力交出了一份优异的成绩单。2016年伟龙嘉祥工厂投产,漳州工厂奠基,2018年伟龙香葱鸡片25周年版上线,现代渠道全面热销!未来还有很长的路要走,伟龙人会做的更多更好,为您和您的家人打造唯美的休闲零食世界。

Weilong Food Co., Ltd. was established in 1993, formerly the state-owned Jining Food Factory. After 25 years of development, Weilong has established four professional production bases in Jining, Shandong, Chongqing and Zhangzhou, Fujian. Weilong Food is committed to the development, manufacture and sale of casual snack products.Weilong Food's 25 years of ingenuity create a good taste for casual snacks. From a ten-person company to a 1,000-person factory today. Since 1994, Weilong brand bulk biscuits have entered the market. In 1998, Weilong brand bulk biscuits entered retail stores and began to sell well. In 2006, the Weilong Chongqing plant started production. By 2008, Weilong branded bulk biscuits entered the supermarket and sold well. The Veyron people have made excellent transcripts with their own efforts. In 2016, the Weilong Jiaxiang plant was put into operation, and the Zhangzhou plant laid the foundation. In 2018, we solemnly launched the 25th anniversary edition of Weilong chive chicken slices, and fully sold modern channels! There is still a long way to go in the future. Weilong will do more and better, and create a beautiful leisure snack world for you and your family.